(by Massimo De Pascalis)
Setup and first impressions
I tried the Salvimar Wild Carbo 60, with ideal sea conditions for such a short tube as I have spearfished on a seabed of less than 5 meters of depth. I used the Salvimar Wild Carbo 60 without the reel, which in the company offers as an optional accessory. I went into the water and grabbed the speargun with the 2.5 mm thick gloves without the index finger, as I prefer to have it naked. The Salvimar handle allows me to feel the safety button without difficulty, an important aspect not to find yourself with a nice fish in front and the safety system inserted. Unfortunately, my index finger barely reaches the trigger (I have quite small hans anyway), but the excellent workmanship of the handle allows me a firm grip. The sea beats and the waves break. The Salvimar Wild Carbo 60 is a bit heavy for me when on the move in ambush, but at the same time it offers me greater stability in the waiting technique. A lot of tiny fish are around and this doesn’t allow me to try the Salvimar Carbo 60 with long shots on suitable preys, so I decide to change tactics looking for some fish in the den.
Fishing in the dens
During the paths among the rocks in search of burrows I find the Salvimar Wild Carbo 60 very handy and instinctive in alignments with the targets. During more accurate checks of the cuts in the rocks I found its negative attitude useful, because resting it in front of the burrows it remained still on the bottom. Finally the patrol ends with a den where there were some beautiful mullets on which to try the Salvimar Wild Carbo 60 with a real shot. I prepare the descent on the covered side from the sight of the mullets of the Mugilidae family and slide closing my eyes for a few seconds and so get them used to the darkness of the den. I enter the lair at the same time with my head and the Salvimar Wild Carbo 60 ready to fire the shot at the mullets that swam nervously inside. The shot was perfect, instinctive and powerful enough to pass the mullet in the hardest part.
I can therefore conclude that the Salvimar Wild Carbo 60 is an excellent speargun for use on shallow water, with a fluid and light snap, simple to use and instinctive shooting. The only downsides are the excessive distance of the trigger (for small hands and eventually thick gloves) and the slightly negative attitude, which however can be useful in rough seas.
Massimo De Pascalis and MGMSub
Born in Rome, Italy, year ’62, passion for spearfishing of Massimo De Pascalis comes from his father Carlo, that introduces him to the different techniques. He dives in Circeo, Pontinian isalands, but also Greece, Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily. In Rome he obtains his degree as dental technician, and after some years opens a laboratory specialized in dental restoration and gnatological devices for the recovering of mandibular temporal disfunsions. In 1996 Massimo moves to Chieti, where relation with spearfishing changes deeply, as he has to adapt to the constantly turbid waters of the Adriatic sea costs of his area. In 2004 he decides to officialize the activity, brought forward in the previous years, of design and manufacturing of wooden spearguns, already presented on AP, founding MGMsub. Among his most famous models, the CH90, also known as Muletto.
At the base of MGMSub speargins are the high brandishing capacity, lightness and maneuverability of the handle, whose angle with the barrel, the taylor made dimensioning ofr each spearo and the not extreme anathomic design permit to release the shaft even in the complex positions.