Field of View

Masks field of view certification logo by Apneapassion

The measurement of the field of view by Apneapassion is 100% certified, precise, repeatable and comparable. Each mask is mounted on a dummy head with all parameters kept unvaried. A photo is shot using a camere positioned exactly in the place of the dummy’s left eye. The final result is a photo showing exactly how wide the field of view is in every one of the 8 cardinal directions. The sum of such values gives a final number which is a good indication of the quality of the field of view of the specific mask. Below are the updated standings of all the masks that we have certified as of today, so that you can compare every model of every brand to the other.

The field of view is a very important parameter, especially in spearfishing, but of course also in freediving, scuba diving and snorkeling. Still, it is clear that the most important aspects of a mask remain the comfort and perfect water seal.

Below the standings of the best masks measured.


BrandModelField of viewTarget photoComments
BeuchatMaxlux S709It is the new record braking mask, thanks to great design and the frameless monolens solution. Internal volume is a little high.
C4 CarbonCondor625C4 Condor field of viewA record-breaking result by this mask, which also includes an extremely reduced internal volume
MaresX-Free545Mares X-Free field of viewThe softer silicone improves the value compared to the Technisub Micromask
SalvimarNoah529Salvimar Noah field of viewBest Choice 2023 winner among spearfishing masks
BeuchatShark524Best Choice 2023 finalist among spearfishing masks
TechnisubMicromask508Technisub Micromask field of viewOne of the most successful and appreciated masks in history
CressiSuperocchio440Cressi Superocchio field of viewThe Legend still today used by many spearfishing Champions, thanks to its perfect adaptation to most faces
BrandModelField of viewTarget photoComments