The new Beuchat Hero Invert is based on the Beuchat Hero 2 structure, but with a very interesting Inverter system. This means it can produce shots with a much greater utile distance and a very reduced recoil, compared to traditional propulsion systems. At the base of the Beuchat Hero Invert is a great simplicity, especially in the loading phase, usually a weak point for Inverter spearguns.
Propulsion system of the Hero Invert
Base setting
In the design of the Beuchat Hero Invert the aim of the work was to achieve easiness in loading and, of course, performance. In such a sense, the propulsion system is indeed an Inverter solution, but with only two pairs of rubber bands, preload and load, in the inferior part of the speargun. This configuration of the Beuchat Hero Invert was chosen by its designers and testers to obtain the easiest setup for the user to load and understand, but also the most accurate.

The rubber bands are 2×18 mm Megatonne for pre-loading, connected to two lateral cones on the side of the barrel in front of the hilt, and 2×16 mm Megatonne for loading, connected to an inferior element with two “hooks”. In front of the lateral cones, two lateral wings are great for positioning the line.

Still, Beuchat has thought of a very clever and fast way to substitute both pairs of bands by simply unscrewing the lateral pulleys. This is great to change them with new ones, or, for the most experienced spearos, to try new settings with different ones.
Additional booster

The addition of a booster, meaning a pair of rubber bands on the superior part of the speargun, provides a lot of additional speed and energy of the shaft in the initial part of the shot, making it more explosive. On the other hand, such a solution increases recoil, and so can reduce accuracy. It is an interesting configuration for big fish that must be shot closer to improve shaft penetration. The additional booster does not increase loading time or its complexity. The booster is suggested with the dimension of the elastic bands of 28 cm for the 75 speargun and 32 cm for the 90 speargun. The booster is a very interesting development of the Beuchat Hero Invert for experienced spearos who wish for more immediate power.

Handle of the Hero Invert

The handle is in polyamide loaded with 30% of fiberglass, and so is the gun butt, which is detachable simply by pulling out a pin, and is hollow in the central part for weight reduction. Its profile has a V design to keep the sight line perfectly clear. The handle is complete with two small refined lateral wings to position the monofilament out of the way.
The grip is anatomical, but can also be chosen symmetrical, so adequate for left and right-handers. The cover is in a special white elastomer. Such colour is very visible in the water to be able to identify the speargun at any time, even from the surface when the Beuchat Invert is at the sea bottom. The safety lock of the trigger is a little small and not too well perceivable and adjustable when wearing thick neoprene gloves.
Release mechanism

The Beuchat Hero Invert release mechanism is 100% 316 L stainless steel , including the trigger, release tooth, box, lateral line release lever and, as a particular feature, the hilt. Still, the structure is in polyamide loaded with 30% of fiberglass, which permits to have the maximum resistance of the various elements still reducing weight, noise and friction to the minimum. The polyamide loaded with a 30% fiberglass base is well designed with the integrated shaft guide that, thanks to two high edges, perfectly centers the shaft.
The system is of the inverted type to be able to shift the point of connection shaft-release tooth as backward as possible for the best efficiency of the shot. Also, such system reduces the stiffening of the trigger when the speargun is heavily loaded with strong elastic bands. A short trigger travel solution has been designed for improved accuracy and speed during quick shots. The steel lateral line release lever can be switched left or right.

The barrel is a 28 mm diameter lightweight aluminium tube of 1 mm thick walls and integrated shaft guide. It has a low-profile rail to reduce friction, and still has both the function of reinforcement to the barrel and of improvement of the directionality of the shot. The barrel assembly with the handle and the muzzle is sealed on both sides by double O-rings for increased buoyancy.
Muzzle for the Inverter System
The muzzle is of course the key element of the Beuchat Hero Invert speargun. Specifically designed for the Invert system, it includes 4 protuberances on the top, two per side, for the passage of the monofilament either on one or the other side, depending on the position of the line release lever.

The traditional two pullies of the Invert System are in polyamide 6 reinforced. The pulleys are not mounted on bearings or bushings, but to limit friction they are slightly wider at the base.

The shaft is a 6.5 mm Tahitian solution with 3 shark fins with no holes. The barb is positioned inferiorly and a metal cone is inserted in front of it to improve penetration.
Loading process
As anticipated, the loading process for the Beuchat Hero Invert has been thought and designed to be as simple as possible, and so it is! The steps for the loading are insert the shaft, position the monofilament around the open head muzzle blocking the shaft, giving two passages of line down to the release lever.

Finally load the elastic bands. Start from pulling the wishbone to the central shark fin on the shaft and then down to the last one (eventually repositioning the gun butt on the chest). Turn the Beuchat Hero Invert with the inferior part of the barrel looking up and load the inferior pair of bands connecting them to the hooks in front of the hilt. Be sure, when pulling the wishbone, that the inferior pair of bands is unhooked.