The new Beuchat Hero Invert speargun has reached the finals of the 2024 Best Choice by Apneapassion. It has two main qualities, the simplicity of loading, even though it is an inverter solution, and the great precision with good power. The Beuchat Hero Invert, we have tested the 75 and 90 cm versions, is definitely the speargun for those who wish to upgrade from classic standard or double circular bands solutions to an Inverter one, without too much difficulty in the management, especially in the complete loading phase.

The ease of use of the Beuchat Hero Invert makes this speargun an All-Rounder, meaning easy to use and load, powerful, but also manageable, with the possibility to reduce power when shooting in the dens. Even though normally all spearguns have the limit to be designed for some specific uses and so particularly effective in those conditions, the French Company’s new speargun really deserves the ALL-ROUNDER adjective.

Loading the Beuchat Hero Invert

With its two pairs of rubbers for a simple version of the Invert System, the Beuchat Hero Invert is extremely easy to load. The monofilament must be passed on the muzzle with a S-shaped path, which one must get familiar with, but then the line perfectly keeps in place the shaft for a very effective solution.

S path for the monofilament on the muzzle of the Beuchat Hero invert

The monofilament is then taken down to the line release lever, which is positioned on the left as standard, but can be moved to the right. The line perfectly adapts to the passages of the muzzle, with special lateral “channels” able to host perfectly the monofilament and make the positioning of the line extremely easy in the water. The line release lever is of good dimensions and does not at all interfere with the shot, even though we would suggest a more curved profile for the best retention of the line.

side view of a great design Beuchat Hero Invert muzzle with channels for the passage of the monofilament

Handle and trigger of the Hero invert

The grip of the handle, in a very visible white and with an anatomical rubber cover, is really excellent. Such asymmetrical solution can limit versatility, even though it is great for the Aspetto technique. For the ALL-ROUNDER concept we have indicated, there is the possibility to have a symmetrical grip, which has less extreme anatomy and is definitely more versatile to use in the various spearfishing techniques. The trigger is soft, precise and perfectly positioned for an average dimensions hand.

Great distance of the trigger and highly anatomical soft white grip for the handle of the Beuchat Hero Invert, also available with a symmetrical grip

Buoyancy and swing

Perfectly balanced with an almost neutral setup, the Beuchat Hero Invert is easy to swing even though it has an Inverter power system. With the 75 cm length that we have specifically tested, you feel you can move easily the speargun in the water, still having good power for shots that can reach valid more than 3 meters of distance. We have shot perfectly amberjacks, groupers and a red scorpionfish in a den.

The Beuchat Hero Invert is an all-rounder for spearfishing among the rocks but also with aspetto technique and long range shots

Power and precision

With practically no recoil of the system, the Beuchat Hero Invert has an amazing precision, which helps also those spearos which have the defect of keeping the hand too soft when shooting. Such defect makes the recoil lift the speargun and shoot high, while this issue is absent on the Hero Invert. Additionally, the power, especially the range of the shot, is really good. Maybe something is left to the explosivity of the shot in the very first meter, but this is a typical characteristic of Inverter system spearguns.

Some small improvements

We have already commented the design of the profile of the line release lever, which is good, but, as already said, could be slightly more curved to give an even better retention to the monofilament. The Beuchat Hero Invert for the rest is of high quality. Some attention must be made to washing the speargun with fresh water as the saltwater remaining in the holes of the heads of the Torx screws can generate some, very superficial, rust. For the rest, this speargun, easy, precise and powerful, is the perfect ALL-ROUNDER!