In brief

The new Salvimar Deeper diving watch positions itself in the 100 € range, but differently from most of the products that are found on the market, it is not predesigned with just a branding, but has actually been designed by Salvimar both in the shape and the various technical characteristics that, as we will see, focus on best reliability of the product both in the software and in the hardware. After the experience with the Salvimar One, and a number of problems with the software, Salvimar has first created the One Plus, solving the reliability problems, and today with the Salvimar Deeper it takes another clear step forward.

Salvimar Deeeper case and strap

Water resistant down to 100 meters, on the Salvimar Deeper all basic functions are available, from time, timer, chronograph, alarm and dual time, to of course the dive and record functions. These permit to register day time of dive, max depth, average depth, duration of the dive and surface time (key for recovery check), plus water temperature at max depth.

Dive function

In addition to all the above data that is recorded every dive for 99 dives a day per 30 days, for total almost 3000 dives registered, the Dive function has various options to set up. The alarm function can be set for up to 5 depths plus maximum depth, indicating to the diver which depth has been reached, with one beep at depth one, two at second depth and so on to five beeps at the fifth depth. Evidently the various depth alarms are thought for freedivers, but the alarms can be set also for only one maximum depth. Also, time alarm at maximum depth can be set, with a time value that is also regulated by the diver.


Salvimar Deeper face “Record” function

Hardware design

Watch face

Differently from previous Salvimar watches, the Salvimar Deeper has been directly designed by the Italian manufacturer, that from its experience has focused on reliability and user friendly modes first. The hardware has been designed carefully starting from the screen, which thanks to a very unique hoctagonal design has obtained the maximum area available for all characters shown, increasing visibility to the maximum.

Salvimar Deeper watch face.

Thanks to this solution central main digits (i.e. hour and minutes in time function, or surface time in Dive function) are 10 mm high and 4 mm wide (AP measure), while secondary central digits (i.e. seconds in time function) are 6 mm high and 2.5 mm wide. Lower digits are 4.5 mm high and 2.5 mm wide (max depth and dive time in Dive function). So central main characters are really easy to read also by elder people having difficulty with close up reading. It is also true that for safety reasons surface time (recovery time) is definately a key value the diver must know after every dive, so it is good this is what the main central characters show in the Dive function.


Still on the hardware design side great attention has been put in defining the perfect tolerances of the 4 function buttons and the watch case, increasing the value to avoid that sald deposits from sea water could block buttons to going back in the release position. To help this also the return springs of the buttons have been selected of good dimensions for a more rigid solution.

The buttons themselves have great dimensions for better feel and control also with gloves, while to avoid their incidental pressing there is a frame on the case above each button as protection.

Salvimar Deeper with great dimension buttons and protection frame

Salvimar indicates it would be advisable not to press the buttons at depth during the dives as sealing could fail, even though Massimo Quattrone, Product Manager of the Italian company, confirms he has tried doing so with absolutely no water leakage to the Salvimar Deeper.


As so many details, which are not simple details but key elements, have been finily designed on the Salvimar Deeper, also the strap has been carefully redefined compared to previous models of Salvimar dive watches. The strap is now in fact longer by 3 cm, to better adapt to all thickness wetsuits, but also the angle of curvature of the strap has been increased to adapt to a wrist wearing a wetsuit. This determines extremely better comfort during the dive.

Salvimar Deeper bilateral view

In addition, also the number of holes in the strap has been increased to perfection the micrometric regulation on the wrist, improving comfort and avoiding stress of the strap and possible breaking in time.

Salvimar Deeper strap holes


Also, software has been completely reset with now excellent reliability and no blocking of the watch in any condition. After sellings hundreds and hundreds of watches from the start of sales, Salvimar communicates there has been not one issue on any Salvimar Deeper watch and not one product return.


The watch case is made with glass loaded Nylon, while the strap is in 60 Shore thermoplastic. Rear case cover is in 316 stainless steel, such as the connection pins between strap and case, and the buckle.


Warranty is 2 years (standard by European law), while the battery, a CR2032 type, must be changed, as for any diving watch, at an official Salvimar dealer for pressure testing, or warranty will be lost.

Salvimar Deeper is also available in the Kryptonite colour version, same colour as the homonym wetsuit.

Salvimar Deeper Kryptonite
Salvimar Deeper quadrant “Record” function

All detailed instructions of Salvimar Deeper can be downloaded clicking here.