The SEAC Preda speargun is definitely an affordable speargun with a lower than 100€ list price on-line, even looking at its longer version, the 110 cm, considering the line of 50, 60, 75, 90, 100 and 110 cm. But what Seac has managed to do is to choose well some solutions, especially material wise, to reduce costs but still give all the technical advantages of a performing speargun. Here’s an in-depth look at what makes the Seac Preda stand out.
Handle and release mechanism

Equipped with a reinforced technopolymer handle, the Seac Preda speargun offers good grip thanks to a very well designed rough surface. Still, no soft rubber cover is present. The handle is slightly anatomical and symmetrical, adapt for both right and left handers. In the inferior part the handle has a useful Nylon ring to attach the line.

The rear of the handle has a chest support specifically designed with a U shaped profile to clear the line of aim.

Release mechanism
The release mechanism is mainly made of high quality glass loaded Nylon, while the internal mechanism is in stainless steel. The box, trigger and lateral line release lever are all in glass loaded Nylon. This is a more economical solution compared to a 100% stainless steel one, but also offers good advantages in terms of weight. Such solution permits to have a much lighter mechanism in the Seac Preda, making this speargun very easy to manoeuvre. Additionally, the Nylon box of the mechanism does not cut the monofilament as a steel solution with cutting edges could do.

The release mechanism is complete with a safety system actioned by a glass loaded Nylon sliding cursor, well visible thanks to its white colour. This solution is clean, but not really perceivable with the hand when on or off.
The Seac Preda speargun has in the barrel definitely a high end solution, with integrated shaft guide complete with internal ribbing. This component not only improves the precision of the shot, but also determines a much stiffer structure of the barrel, and so additionally increases precision.

The barrel is a black-colored solution with a diameter of 28 mm, crafted from extruded and drawn Anticorodal aluminium.
Muzzle and rubber bands
Rubber bands

The Seac Preda speargun is designed with an open muzzle, which normally is more oriented to an experienced spearo. The two separate holes permit to position two circular rubber bands, even though the standard setting is one circular Seac Anthracite Flex elastic with bushings and diameter of 16 mm. Such holes are simple with no particular design to give the best alignment to the rubber bands, but still work perfectly well.
Open muzzle

The muzzle has a very simple and compact design which definitely helps the swing of the speargun. The design of the muzzle sees a special Seac solution, utilized since years, and definitely interesting and useful. It consists of a central rubber component in white colour which generates two channels for the passage of the monofilament. Such passages tend to just slightly bock the monofilament to keep it well in position while loading the speargun. This is a very useful solution to simplify loading, without having the monofilament coming off from its position. At the same time, the monofilament is well kept in place so the shaft is perfectly held in position. The slight locking of the line has mo effect whatsoever in the power of the shot.
Shaft and wishbone

The shaft is a stainless steel 6.5 mm diameter, single barb with notches, the latter quite typical of more accessible but still performing spearguns. The wishbone is a resistant non articulated steel solution.