Great news in CMAS Spearfishing sector, where Valentina Prokic, expert journalist in the spearfishing field (key correspondant for Apneapassion) and already part of CMAS Spearfishing commission, has been appointed new Director of CMAS Spearfishing Commission for the period 2018-2021.
AP: Valentina, you have just been appointed Director of CMAS Spearfishing Commission, so congratulations. We do not ask you all work that needs to be done, but if you would indicate 3 things that have worked well until now and 3 that should be changed with priority, what would you indicate?
It is hard to say because I am a member of Commission only one year, but from the view of a person that was always in the center on championships I would say good things are development of rules, widening the circle of countries that started to compete and candidate for the organization of big events and third the introduction of championships for women.
We need to develop more women championships, because around the world many ladies want to compete, but they need to know about it. This is connected with public relations, as we need to be more open, have a wider reach, and informations need to circle more. In addition we need to have better communication with the media, because that can help us in many ways.
AP: You are in the spearfishing competitons world since almost 18 years. Which very bad and very good story that has happened to you can you tell us about in all these years?
One bad thing was an accident that I had in Portugal 2006 during WC in Sines, when one careless and thoughtless skipper crashed boat in very big wave. I finished in the sea and fought with 7 meters waves, all dressed up, diving under them to avoid crashing on the rocks. I managed to reach the boat, but all my equipment, underwater camera etc.. and all equipment of spearo finished on the bottom and it was ten minutes after start of day two.
Very good moments I have in every competition, because I spend time with many friends. A lot of people involved in competitions, such as captains, athletes and organizers I consider my friends after so many years together. We have a lot of funny and happy moments, but if I need to choose one I would say that it was 2010 on WC in Mali Losinj, when Daniel Gospic won his world title, Antonio Buratovic won silver and Croatia become champion among teams. Also, last year when Daniel Gospic won his second euroafrican title was an unforgettable moment, after which he decided to retire.
AP: Euro-African 2019, World Champ 2020. We know you cannot tell us anything yet about the location, but which are in your opinion the key elements to choose where to have these two important events?
Safety is always first. We need to be sure that federation who will organize competition has done everything to fulfill safety requirements. Next are financial conditions, such as prices for renting boats, accommodation, food…and of course we want that our spearfishing family becomes bigger, so if possible we want new countries for the organization or countries that didn’t organize events for many years.
AP: Spearfishing in many countries is being hit by negative image, ignorance about the impact it has on the sea, compared to industrial fishing, and by the way it is practiced (public opinion thinks it is easy, cruel on fish, possibly done using tanks…). Is there a solution to this? Can good communication help?
Yes, good communication can help a lot. People need to see what spearfishing really is. Spearos are the most selective fishermen and we need to show that to everyone. Media and communication have a big role in this and we need all to work together to change the image of spearfishing. It is a long and heavy process, but it is not impossibile.
AP: Future of spearfishing is also young boys and girls starting to practice it? Maybe a special trophy? Have you in mind something in this direction?
We didn’t speak about youngers still, but as we started with ladies, maybe in some years younger can have their own trophy. But we need to consider all the safety measures before.