After the X-Rays of the Pathos Sniper-R 95, let us analyze the more traditional Sniper 115, with double circular elastic band, but also all the advanced solutions of its cousin Roller version.
The Pathos Sniper 115 puts together the classic 16 mm diameter double circular band solution, simple and effective, with advanced technical designs, from the cuttlefish bone shape of the barrel, to the balancing float, to the 100% tainless steel D’Angelo 3 release mechanism.
The barrel
Made of aluminium with extrusion technology called “mild forming“, the barrel of the Pathos Sniper 115 has a cuttlefish bone like section to improve brandishing and, mostly, balancing of the speargun in the water. The barrel is made with “enclosed track“, meaning the shaft guide closes on the shaft for more than 180°, so that the latter cannot come out of the guide even when positioning the speargun upside-down and, in theory, it offers more stability to the alignment of the shaft during shooting phase.
On the barrel a big float, connected by a bonding and named Sepia (dimensions 34.8 x 7.1 cm), is used to achieve a better balancing of the Sniper in the water by lifting the heavier part of the speargun, which is evidently the handle side, due to the 100% stainless steel release mechanism.
The muzzle
Made of glass loaded Nylon, a light and resistant material, also capable of avoiding absorbtion of humidity, so a very good choice for use in sea water, the muzzle of the Sniper has the part which goes inside the barrel that has evidently an alliptical section and is fixed with to screws. A very evident characteristic of the muzzle are the very deep channels designed for the positioning of the two rubber bands, inserted in two separate holes. The channels permit to avoid the two rubber bands rubbing one aginst the other and psotioning them parallel to the shaft, for best effciency of the shot.
The symmetrical cuts at the tip of the muzzle help mpositioning the line and avoiding it to slip out. The inferior line passage is made of stainless steel for maximum strength and resistant to wear given by the line running up and down the passage.
Grip and release mechanism
Grip is the D’Angelo 3 of latest generation, symmetrical for ambidextrous use, and with 100% stainless steel release mechanism. Compared to the D’Angelo 2 the distance between the trigger and the palm of the hand has been reduced to permit better comfort when using thick gloves or for those with smaller hands. The metal hook for the line is of small dimensions and positioned in the upper part of the handle, with a system that can be interchanged for example with the Laser speargun, a modus operandi tipical of Pathos. The release system block is extremely backward to optimize the useable length for the shot. The design of the handle is made so that the upper part is as thin as possible and permits an excellent alignment of the hand with the line of the shot. Handle is made of glass loaded nylon.
The release mechanism is very much shifted to the rear of the speargun to optimize the total length for the shot. The design of the handle is made to have the thinner possible upper part, aligning at best the hand to the line of aim. Material of the handle is glass loaded Nylon.
The shaft
The standard shaft is 6.75 mm of diameter and 150 cm of length on the Sniper 115. The barb is completely external (no machining of the shaft) and in positioned in the lower part, a solution that generally helps to counter-balance the effect of weight that tends to generate a downward component of the trajectory. Material is the high level Sandvik and the tip is tricuspid. The wishbone can be hooked to three shark fins, of which the central one has a hole as possible connection of the line.
Elastic bands
Standard elastic bands mounted on the Sniper 115 are the Pathos TNT Dynamite, 16 mm diameter, red outside and black inside, with very reactive rubber mixture and perfect for deep shots, also where water is cold. The elongation factor is equal to 3.5. The wishbone is made with Dyneema line.
The Reel is the Wheel 50, but also Wheel 70 is available. The particular characteristic of such reels is the fact that they do not have a real clutch, but an on-off solution, in the sense that the knob for tightening the reel is only used to keep the line in tension when the speargun is loaded. When the shot is released, though, the reel loosens and the line is free to unravel. Pathos prefers such solution to avoid stressing the spearo once he has shot the fish, due to the tension that can be generated otherwise by the line through the clutch. Differently, Pathos suggests to manage the line with ones hand in case of preys that can permit to do so (not too big), else, just let the line unwind to avoid any difficulty in the ascent phase. The complete line of Pathos reels can be analyzed clicking here.
To download and print the complete technical sheet of the Pathos Sniper 115 click here.