Fundamental for safety, useful only if well sharpened, a good knife can live for long, if the correct maintenance is done. Mac Coltellerie explains us how.

“A knife that does not rust at all, does not even cut properly”, this is what often says Matteo Di Bon, owner of Mac Coltellerie, the Company founded in 1964 by Matteo’s Grandfather Giovanni, and later joined by his son Roberto. After having analyzed an interesting number of knives by the company of Maniago, Pordenone, Italy, AP has asked for some hints on maintenance.

AP: Matteo, which are the actions to be brought forward at the end of each fishing day, to maintain the knife clean and protected from rust? 

MDB: For sure we will need to wash the blade with fresh water, of course this is important if we have been in salt water. If possible, we could also dry the blade with a cloth.

AP: And if rust is created, can it be taken off? How? 

MDB: Of course rust can be taken away from the blade. I have personally seen very rusty knives brought back to good conditions. First of all we must remember that a good knife can, and actually should, rust a little, but only superficially. If this is not the case, if rust penetrates deep in the steel, it means the knife is not of good quality.

A simple method to take the rust off the blade is to use a scourer for dishes. To be more effective we can also use fine sand paper, number 240 is sufficient. Some signs can still remain on the surface of the metal, but rust will be eliminated.

AP: And for what concerns sharpening the knife?

MDB: Surely specific stones can be used, rubbing each side of the blade on them. Another possibility is to refer to a knife gridner.

AP: And when the knife is stored for long periods?

MDB: It will be important to wash is thoroughly and to dry it. A useful solution to protect the steel is also spraying it with silicone grease.