Massimo Quattrone is a professional spearfisherman with incredible capacities and great experience, today product manager of Salvimar.


Massimo has been available for a chat to share advices on how, and with which methods, produce lure for fishes. Let us see what he has told us.

AP Massimo, often there are discussion about methods to attract fishes, especially predator ones, and make them come close. Are these effective? 

MQ Surely they are, but only if utilized in the correct way and at the right moment, choosing the right kind of lure.

AP And which are the correct methods and moments? 

MQ First of all the lure must be done when the fish, seabass, amberjack, snapper, pompano, have not noticed the spearo yet. Generally, in fact, a minor sound should be sufficient to recall the predator, if we are well positioned and hidden. Behind a rock, simply the beat of our heart, possibly with the current coming from behind us facing the fish, is sufficient to excite curiosity in the predator, that feels something, but does not see us, and making him come close. If the predator has already seen us, in reality lures make no more sense. We will notice, in such situation, that a certian lure might make the fish turn, but rarely it will come in sight.

Below the video taken from the Youtube channel of PSA, video in which we can see a snapper chaging direction with the lure, but not coming close.

AP And which are the correct lure methods? The guttural sound, the air bubble, hitting with the speargun on a rock, gnash the teeth, rub the barrel…quite some confusion! 

MQ These are all valid methods and can give good results, but I personally use different methods depending on the species of fish I want to recall.

Let us start with the sea bass, which is present near the cost especially in cold periods. Hitting he handle of the speargun on the rock is a good method if the bass has not seen us.

Below the video of Massimo Quattrone and a perfect lure hitting the handle of the speargun on a rock.

If the bass has already seen us, but is indifferent, we can try to release a small air bubble. This lure must be done anyway at a good distance from the fish.

For the amberjack, if it has not seen us, we will produce a hitting sound with our teeth, opening and closing our jaws a couple of times. The torax will work as a sounding board and will draw the attension of the predator.

For the difficult and cautious snappers, I often use the noise produced with the glottis, but delicatly, without exaggerating.

Below the video from the youtube channel of Rosario Lopis, where the snapper is attracted by the guttural sound.

If the fish has already seen you, instead, the only possibility is to draw back behing a rock that can hide us properly. Drawing back more and more behing our shelter, the snapper will be curious and will come close.

Also with the bream, less frequent in the waiting technique, I utilize the sound made with the glottis, while with the sea bream I rub the barrel of the speargun on the rocks.

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