After the -102 m, Alessia Zecchini conquers back the World Record with -104 m, for a moment taken from the Japanese Hanako Hirose, fantastic with -103 m.
She had anticipated that to us: “competition is not finished and the Japanese are reallt too strong!” Alessia Zecchini has been a Champion also in the vision of the race, being able to respond to the -103 meters of Hanako Hirose with – 104 meters. We have contacted her once more at the Bahamas for the last questions and curiosities.
AP: Alessia, you had already anticipated your sensations, but did you expect the successful attempt of the Japanese Hanako Hirose with – 103 meters?
AZ: Yes, I expected the -103 m because Hanako had come out of water very well with the – 100m, demonstrating to be an incredibly strong freediver. She had taken one day rest to try the Record the same day I also raced, and I knew she would have been successful.
AP: What did you think and which sensations did you have when you saw Hanako was successful in the -103m attempt?
AZ: I was ready for the success of the Hanako. It has been like living a race in the pool seeing other athletes going deeper, and finally it was all in my hands to give my very best.
AP: Up to which point would you have responded to the Hanako, which depth?
AZ: I was in doubt to the very end wether to declare – 104 or – 105 meters, but finally I have thought that with the – 103 meters of the Hanako, – 104 meters would have been sufficient, and surely it was a measure that made me feel more comfortable.
Video -104 m of Alessia Zecchini.