Spearos of the team Divein Croatia & De Periska, Mate Baresic, Luka Fatovic and Marko Musulin are the winners of the seventh edition of the International Dive In Cup, held in the aquatorium of Croatian city Zadar and organized by SRD Harpoon and Dive In.
Posted by Apneapassion.com on Friday, May 3, 2019

Baresic, Fatovic and Musulin after six hours of fishing brought 24 fish – three wrasse, three forkbeards, three black seabreams, eight brown meagres, four white seabreams, one red scorpionfish and two congers with a total value of 46865 points.
Interview with winner of 7th Dive In Cup Mate Baresic from team Periska Ploce-Dive In
Posted by Apneapassion.com on Saturday, May 4, 2019
Baresic also received a special prize for the Dive In Cup heaviest catch conger of 16100 grams.
Second place in the Dive In Cup, which included 29 teams from Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, San Marino, Italy, Cyprus, Tunisia and Russia, was won by the team Doctors with Boris Reinic, Dario Babic and Antonio Buratovic.

Interview with Dario Babic from second team Doctors
Posted by Apneapassion.com on Saturday, May 4, 2019
Doctors on the wire had 13 fish: one brown meagre, three red scorpionfish, three forkbeards, three wrasses, white seabream, a moray eel and a conger, that brought them 24745 points.
The third in Dive In Cup was the team Strozanac – Stjepko Kesic, Jakov Pavic and Jakov Mislav Sokol with 11 fish and 21295 points.

Interview with Stjepko Kesic from third team Strozanac
Posted by Apneapassion.com on Saturday, May 4, 2019
Strozanac caught a sand steenbras, three wrasses, a forkbeard, three black seabreams, a sea bass, a red scorpionfish and an conger.
The fourth was the Italian team Podemos with Stefano Claut, Igor Bissulli and Davide Croselli, who caught 10 fish among which was the most valuable fish, a brown meagre of 2590 grams, credited to Stefano Claut.

The fifth were spearos DSNM Volosko 1 – Sasa Tomic, Luka Kamenski and Bruno Zic with 11 fish.

Bad conditions
The weather conditions at Dive In Cup 2019 were very bad because on the day of the competition a storm cayght Zadar and the surrounding area, and while skippers suffered the most on the surface because of the heavy rain that was continuously falling, spearos were able to do a good job under the surface.

In some areas the current was very strong and visibility was from one to four meters.
Winner was evident even before weighing
Already on the delivery of the catch it was clear that Baresic won his first title at the Dive In Cup 2019. Spearo from Zadar made good preparations and brought impressive catches.
Posted by Apneapassion.com on Saturday, May 4, 2019

The first favourite of the competition, Daniel Gospic, who won five times the title of the best in Zadar, this year was not competing due to illness, and because of business obligations the Italian Giacomo De Mola, who won two years ago together with this year’s fourth-graded Stefano Claut, was also absent.
SRD Harpoon and Dive In once again did a great job, and next year they will host the second World Cup for clubs, a competitions under the International Confederation of Water Sports CMAS.
Video report of a fantastic Dive In Cup 2019…full of rain, but also Passion, Friendship, Teams, Athletes and great Competition!
Posted by Apneapassion.com on Monday, May 13, 2019