
Once again Semana Master, the traditional spearfishing competition organized by FBDAS, Federacion Balear de Actividades subacuaticas, will take place in the end of January in Palma de Mallorca.

In 2017 and 2018 Apneapassion followed Semana master and so will this year. Semana Master 2019 is dedicated to Rafael Muntaner Morey, long time FBDAS president and also major of Manacor, known as Rafael Nadal village.

Opening ceremony and team presentation is scheduled for 24th January at Autoridad Portuaria de Palma.

The day after, 25th January, is reserved for individual competitions of Semana Master: traditional XVIII Master Ciutat de Palma and, for the first time, CMAS Womens Cup Ciutat de Palma.

In the Master the right to compete is of the first 10 classified athletes in last World Championship in Sagres, world champion athletes, as well as Master winners and one representative of each brand-trademark.

Master 2018 podium: Gospic,Cervantes,De Mola

Ladies competition is the first after the one in WC Sagres, with aim to become traditional.

Saturday 26th January Palma bay will be occupied by spearos in three different competitions.

Fourth CMAS World Cup for nations, third Brands Cup and XIX Open Internacional – VIII Memorial Sebastián Carbonell

Brands winners Master 2018: Mares team – Guillaume, Bouzon, Foppolo with captain Deme (2), Beucat – Pedro Carbonell, Cesar Bustelo, Oscar Cervantes and Javier Amores (1), Dive In team with Josko Petrov, Mate Baresic, Igor Nuic  (3)

Each team participanting to Semana Master consists of three athletes and every competition will have its own zone. A lot of spearos stars as Pedro Carbonell, Daniel Gospic, Xavi Blanco, Oscar Cervantes, Giacomo de Mola, Tasis Peroulis, Gerasimus Kavvadias will again get together in Palma de Mallorca to decide who is the new “maestro” and which team is the best in the tricky conditions of Palma bay.

Team Spain Semana Master 2018

In the end a little bit of info regarding points in the competitions of Semana Master. Minimum weight for fishes from group one (sea bream, amberjack, mullet, black scorpionfish…..) is 300 grams and cup is 5 pieces from one specie, except for wrasse where all kind of them count like one specie.

For group two (scorpion fish, brown meagre, dentex, seabass, gilthead bream and John Dori) minimum weigth is 500 grams, for grouper 2000 grams and cup is 3 pieces per specie.

Conger and moray are in group three, minimum weight is 2000 grams and cup is three for group not for specie. You can get 1000 points for each and bonus for specie.

Flying guardnard and grey triggerfish are in group four. Minimum is 500 grams and three pieces for group for cup and has bonus for specie, with 500 points for valid one.

Bonuses are 300 points for valid fish (except group 3 and 4), 500 points per specie. Even if fishes are different but get in the same cup like in the case of groupers, congers, morays and wrasses you get bonus for specie. Only in a case of mullet cause they count like same specie.

First closed cup is 1000 points, two cups are 3000 points, three cups 6000 points, four 10000 points, five 15000 points.