(by Ryan Lategan)
Once again with the conditions not improving from the previous days, divers were greeted with mediocre visibility.The diving was tough and very few divers managed to bag their ten fish, but once again the top guys managed to obtain good results, which is a true testament to their ability to produce good quality fish in any conditions.With fish life so diverse in Kwazulu Natal and with only being allowed a bag limit of 10 fish, divers had to really look for those fish that would get them good points. Some divers reporting face to face encounters with the ever intimidating ragged tooth sharks which can be quite hair raising in 3m visibility. Luckily no sightings of great whites have been reported as there have been an influx of these apex predators of late.
At this stage of the competition it seems to be a two horse race with Guy Le Meme in second position in persuit of Jaco Blignaut currently in first place. The third and final day will be an interesting affair indeed. This is a special nationals as eleven times National champion and legend in spearfishing Tommy Botha graced everyone with his presence to take part as a veteran. With having not competed for so many years its good to have him back on the competitive stage.
Best of luck for the final day…