It seems a simple operation, but in reality it has a fundamental importance in assuring insulation: it is the wearing process of gloves and socks.

It will be extremely important when wearing gloves and socks be sure that sleeves and trousers will cover the wrist area of the gloves and the ankle area of the socks. Practically, it will not be the glove covering the neoprene of the jacket, nor will be the sock covering the terminal part of the trouser, but vice versa. In such a way insulation will be insured. On the contrary, in fact, we would be in situation in which, especially during ascension, the external water will tend to make its way between the glove and the sleeves and the sock and the trousers lifting up the neoprene of the gloves around the wrists and the socks around the ankles. For such reason we do quite like gloves and socks that have a band of smooth external neoprene on the wrists and the ankles, so that they adhere even better to the internal open cell neoprene of trousers and sleeves of the jacket.