After having presented the Mares Sniper PS 75 in the “Dossier of best sling spearguns below 100€ list price”, we have tested this cheap but very efficient speargun.
(by Massimo De Pascalis)
Sea conditions and impressions
Finally Scirocco wind (South-East) arrived and cleaned the water made misty by the rain of the past few days (Italy, Pescara, Adriatic coast), and I was able to try the Mares Sniper PS 75. The speargun has excellent characteristics compared to the low price. The open muzzle and the very soft release make you forget the simplicity of a project that does not include a release box independent from the handle, but one that is made of a series of guides positioned on the internal shells of the handle and that hold every part of the mechanism. The open head allows you to easily insert the shaft first into the release mechanism and than with a little pressure to the muzzle from the top.

The speafishing action
As soon as I enter the water to carry out the test, I load and position the wire directly connected to the head, since the reel is considered an optional. The buouancy in the water is slightly negative and the handle, although inspired by long-standing models, is very comfortable. The phalanx of my index finger easily reaches the trigger without having to grasp the handle incorrectly. After having prepared the dive with a correct ventilation, I slide among the rocks careful not to make noise and follow a path of about six meters, until I find a rock where to stop and make an aspetto. The first fish to arrive are small seabreams and some picarels, but behind them there is a nice group of salps, excellent for making sauce for pasta. The pack makes a first wide turn to then comes back a little closer. The distance is considerable, but I want to test the speed and accuracy of the shot. I choose the fish and shoot insagolating the prey; the strong elastic bands have done a good job.
The Mares Sniper PS 75 is an extremely easy-to-handle slightly negative buouancy speargun. The shot is gentle and movement is long enough to avoid accidental releases. The line release system is functional but care must be taken not to strain the line too much as it could adversely affect the release of the shaft by delaying release. The elastic bands supplied are perfectly suited to launching the shaft at considerable distances and the recoil is not so strong as to make the shot inaccurate despite the lightness of the speargun. The shaft posizioning system on the muzzle facilitates loading even in rough seas and offers the possibility of using shafts with large fins. This Mares Sniper PS 75 despite having the limits of an economic tool can give excellent satisfactions by permitting the capture of almost any type of prey with long and precise shots.
Recipe of pasta with salpa
Salpa is not an esteemed fish, but can be very pleasant to eat if cooked in the correct way. Once caught, the salpa should be immediately gutted and scaled, also removing the gills. After that, arriving home, they must be filleted and cut into pieces. Then put some extra virgin olive oil in a saucepan over moderate heat with a clove of garlic and a little chilli pepper, making it brown a little bit, not forgetting to add fresh cherry tomatoes. When the tomato begins to dry, throw in the pieces of the salpa adding very little white wine and a few parsley leaves. As soon as the white wine has evaporated, the sauce will be ready to season spaghetti that will amaze you. When you taste this dish you will regret having snubbed a fish that hides an excellent flavor instead.
Massimo De Pascalis and MGMSub
Born in Rome, Italy, year ’62, passion for spearfishing of Massimo De Pascalis comes from his father Carlo, that introduces him to the different techniques. He dives in Circeo, Pontinian isalands, but also Greece, Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily. In Rome he obtains his degree as dental technician, and after some years opens a laboratory specialized in dental restoration and gnatological devices for the recovering of mandibular temporal disfunsions. In 1996 Massimo moves to Chieti, where relation with spearfishing changes deeply, as he has to adapt to the constantly turbid waters of the Adriatic sea costs of his area. In 2004 he decides to officialize the activity, brought forward in the previous years, of design and manufacturing of wooden spearguns, already presented on AP, founding MGMsub. Among his most famous models, the CH90, also known as Muletto.
At the base of MGMSub speargins are the high brandishing capacity, lightness and maneuverability of the handle, whose angle with the barrel, the taylor made dimensioning ofr each spearo and the not extreme anathomic design permit to release the shaft even in the complex positions.