Daniel Gospic tests the Mares Strike Polygon 90. With this article the column “Test of the Champion” starts, where undiscussed and independent spearfishing Champions and Athletes like Daniel Gospic, Luigi Puretti and Roberto Poggioli, review equipment giving our readers the true and transparent result of their test at sea. Let’s see what Daniel has told us about the top of the line sling speargun by Mares.
The Mares Strike Polygon
One of the most refined spearguns on the market, probably not sufficiently explained and communicated by Mares, the Mares Strike Polygon has been presented by us in our X-Rays column. We wanted a real Champion to test it and it has been the perfect moment with Daniel Gospic!
First impressions
“When I got hold of the Mares Strike Polygon 90 for the first time I immediately saw it is very very well design both aesthetically and technologically. The handle is extremely comfortable, and it does not hinder the shot even if you need to shoot in a hole, rather than in the foam with quick and immediate movements. The feel in the hand is really great.“
“Loading is absolutely easy and quick as the muzzle is perfect for the passage of the monofilament. The line of aim is very clean, as you can see perfectly all the way from the chest support to the tip of the shaft. The elastic bands are in fact perfectly positioned thanks also to the lateral wings of the muzzle which help the positioning parallel to the shaft and away from the line of aim. This also helps greatly the movement of the Mares Strike in the water as the elastic bands are close to the barrel and do not vibrate.”
Balance in the water
“In the water the Mares Strike Polygon 90 is stable, except for the fact that the tip tends to lower a little, as the shaft is a good diameter of 7 mm. Maybe it would be better with a 6.75 mm diameter solution, which would make the speargun perfectly balanced. The swing of the speargun is very good, but slightly reduced by the muzzle, which is great for elastic bands positioning and for the passage of the monofilament, but is not particularly compact.”
“The shot of the Mares Strike Polygon 90 is extremely precise, powerful, and almost without recoil, as the double 14 mm diameter elastic bands are very progressive. The trigger is also very smooth, meaning the shot does not fire immediately at a minimum pressure, but when you think it will fires, it does. The shaft exits well in a very straight line, almost using all the monofilament. Shots in the rocks or swinging the speargun suddenly to catch mullets or seabasses are perfect. But to me the Mares Strike Polygon 90 is great also for catching groupers in actions when gliding down deep, in some caves or along the landslides.”
Strong points
“In addition to the ones already mentioned, such as the excellent handle, easy loading, the perfect positioning of the elastic bands for a great line of aim and precision of the shot, smooth trigger and low recoil, also the safety system has impressed me. It is impossible to forget it on, as you immediately feel if the trigger is locked. At the same time when the system is unlocked the safety system does not interfere at all with the hand.
Some improvements
“As said, if on one side the muzzle is a great component with definitely many pluses, including the easy passage of the monofilament, the fact that the good positioning of the elastic bands keeps them close to the barrel and avoids them to vibrate in any condition, on the other the dimensions of the muzzle are greater then standard. The swing of the speargun is great due, as said, to the position of the elastic bands, but the dimensions of the muzzle due to its big lateral wings slightly reduce this positive aspect. Just a little smaller lateral wings would probably bring the muzzle close to a perfect design.”
One phrase to describe it
“The Mares Strike Polygon 90 is technically a very very good speargun, extremely suitable for professionals, but also for medium level athletes.”
Daniel Gospic
In his competitive career Daniel Gospic has won one World Championship and two Euro-African Championships, as well as 7 Croatian Championships, 5 in a row and the first one at just 21 years of age, the youngest ever. He has also won 3 Masters of Palma, and several other competitions. Today he still spearfishes a lot, enjoys it, but no longer competes due to the lack of time and to be with the family. He is an official Apneapassion Team athlete.