This is the professional sling spearguns category with prices above 200€. Such segment can include many products, and carbon fiber barrels matched with 100% stainless steel release mechanisms appear for the first time. Below 200€ it is difficult, in fact, to find both these elements in a single speargun. The Best Choice Finalists of the sling spearguns with price above 200€ have been selected among a large number of participants, of course with an attent eye also on prices not going too high above 200€ without a real advantage: The finalistsa re: Cressi Cherokee Power, Sigalsub Nemesis Carbon and Salvimar Hero.

Cressi Cherokee Power

Definitely the most traditional sling speargun among the finalists, the Cressi Cherokee Power, the last born speargun in the Cressi Family, where the base is always the Cherokee one, is definitely a great product. With 100% stainless teel release mechanism, but traditional aluminium barrel, the Cherokee has one big advantage, the geometry of the handle and the angle versus the barrel is outstanding. Probably the most intuitive speargun on the market when it comes to quick aiming and shooting, the Cressi Cherokee Power contains all the amazing know-how by Cressi in the design and production of sling spearguns. Still, the Cherokee positions itself price-wise in the lower part of the category, and misses some upgrades possible when going beyond 200€, like carbon fiber and/or preformed/elliptical section barrel. The integrated shaft guide and the very useful magnet system on the muzzle are definitely two good solutions. The muzzle has a great design, for easy and secure passage of the monofilament. For more detailed information about the Cressi Cherokee Power you can refer to our X-Rays article.

Nemesis Carbon Pro

With the Sigalsub Nemesis Carbon Pro we enter, starting from the excellent base of the Sigalsub Nemesis, the carbon fiber barrel segment. Be aware, it is the segment which includes the integrated shaft guide, and not a simple circular section solution. The Sigalsub Nemesis Carbon Pro includes a double circular Sigalsub Extreme bands setup and a Sigalsub Sandvik thermically treated 48/50HRC shark fins shaft. The result is a light, easy to use, all round and powerful speargun, which responds excellently to almost any need of the spearfishermen when it comes to traditional double circular bands sling spearguns. For such reasons the Sigalsub Nemesis Carbon Pro deserves absolutely to be among the Best Choice Finalists. All details and photos of the Sigalsub Nemesis Carbon Pro can be read at the link to our X-Rays article.

Salvimar Hero

The Salvimar Hero deserves a BRAVO simply for the amazing quantity of technology and clever solutions it contains. Top quality Heavy Metal release mechanism, reinforce elliptical aluminium barrel, extremely easy to load muzzle, high quality Salvimar shark fins shaft are only a few of the technical ideas in the Hero. The Hero, offer by Salvimar above 200€ represents an amazing value for money, as the cost is extremely close to the inferior limit of 200€ for the shortest 75 cm barrel solution. For all the many incredible details of the Salvimar Hero, which make it deserve to be in the Best Choice Finalists, you can check photos and description at the link to our X-Rays article. It is also possible to read the full international review by two of our AP test Team athletes and some tips by Salvimar Product Manager Massimo Quattrone.