A revolutionary product for the 10 years of XT Diving Pro
It is 20 years Mr Chalaris, the boss of XT Diving Pro, is designing and producing composite material blade fins. But Tasos has founded XT Diving “only” 10 years ago. So the new Pteryx fins are the Pteryx 10th Anniversary product. What could be better than a revolutionary product to celebrate such important goal?
Pteryx as top of the line by XT Diving Pro
The new Pteryx 10th Anniversary fins first of all are Pteryx, the most advanced and performing fins among the huge blades line by XT Diving Pro. We have already presented and tested the Pteryx Long Fins with excellent results.

Another revolution with experience and a little luck
The extreme modesty by Tasos Chalaris, boss and mind of XT Diving Pro, makes him talk about luck. We know it’s much more. It is 20 years that Tasos designs and produces fins. Only such experience has given him the vision and technical capacity to revolutionize once more the market.
“We knew what we wanted to do to create the best fins ever, but we did not know how to do it properly”. These are the words of Chalaris talking to us in an interview. “Then, one day, working on new solutions and ideas, with luck we managed to obtain what we wanted. The blade was bending in a new way. It needs, to be even more efficient and to push the diver more, not to bend in a single point, but the bending must move along the blade! It must move from the beginning of the blade to the end and push the water in the most efficient way. This is what we have obtained with the new Pteryx 10th Anniversary fins”.

How they are made
The production process of the new Pteryx 10th Anniversary is the Pteryx one. 100% high quality twill carbon fiber is laminated using high pressures and high temperature in the press. An extremely long process permits to have excellent quality and performance. It takes up to 8 days of production for the XT Diving Pro Pteryx blades to come to live. For fours days the blades are kept at high pressure in the press. After that, the blades are kept for another four days at high temperatures to obtain the final lamination.
The special ingredient
So what is the secret “ingredient”? Which is the solution by XT Diving Pro and Tasos Chalaris put in the Pteryx 10th Anniversary? What permits to have blades where the bending point moves along the length during the kick? How does this improve the thrust? Looking at the blades surface the light shows us the difference of the Anniversary compared to the “standard” Pteryx. As with the standard Pteryx fins, we notice the rhomboidal design set during the construction phase. This gives the blades, in addition to a beautiful aesthetic, an extremely high softness and reactivity. But centrally the Anniversary show more. All along the blade there is an additional band of carbon fiber. This solution finally gives the blades what Tasos Chalaris was looking for.

What happens
The point of inflection of the blade moves during the kick. The blade pushes the water with unprecedented efficiency, according to XT Diving. Still according to the Greek company, such dynamic generates an incredible thrust. But what is particularly important is that the diver’s effort is reduced to the minimum. The blade now does all the work! In theory, and according to XT Diving Pro, the result is amazing. We will soon test the new XT Diving Pro Pteryx 10° Anniversary. The test will verify if these fins are really an amazing step forward in the carbon fiber blades sector.

Dimensions and weight
Pteryx XT Diving Pro 10th Anniversary fins are 65 cm long centrally and 62 cm laterally. The measures are from the curve under the foot-pocket. The flap is in fact convex. The width of the blade is 18 cm measured inside the water rails. The thickness of the blade is 0.54 mm at the tip, 0.9 mm at mid length and 1.05 mm 12 cm from the tip of the foot. The water rails are 1.7 cm high and 48 cm long. The foot-pocket used is the KM Dive. The side rails are 12 cm long from the tip of the foot. In the size 44-45 foot-pocket the entire fin weighs 745 grams. This is a very good low value, in particular with the blade evidently extremely light.