The Seac Motus FibrexPro are the top of the line fins by Seac for freediving and blue water spearfishing.

Designed, according to Seac, to have optimal thrust without loosing comfort, the Motus Fibrex in the Pro version are slightly more rigid and reactive than the sisters Motus Fibrex, and so are indicated by the Italian Company from Genoa, in particular for deep apnea and blue water spearfishing, and also for well trained athletes, which will use them mainly for vertical dives more than horizontal transfers.

The special pre-preg glass fiber used has permitted Seac to design a stratification that offers extreme lightness together with an extremely high reactivity, also if compared to the more blazoned carbon fiber blades. All of this at a lower price than the carbon fiber solution, and so more accessible for those customers who wish to buy a more performing fins compared to the polymer solution, but without going up to the prices of carbon fiber blades.

Aesthetic design

Aesthetic is surely a strong point for the Seac Motus FibrexPro, both for the black color with the white SEAC Motus Pro logo (maybe not too good for those very focused on camouflage) and for the red Fibrex logo, and for the bi-color foot-pocket with red inserts. The polished surface of the blade is very neat and regular, without imperfections, except very few tiny superficial bubbles that do not spoil neither aesthetic, nor performance or resistance.

The connection between foot-pocket and blade consist in the traditional solution of two screws in front of the foot-pocket, supported by neat polymer red inserts, and clips on the longerons, which are themselves connected to the blade with the blocking system on the lateral rubber profile glued to the blade.  The foot-pocket is very well refined, with an optimal fusion of the two different density thermoplastic elastomers.


The stratification of the different layers of fiber glass is very well designed, and visible thanks to the reflexes of light on the blade, which show a number of curves lines representing the terminal profile of the sheets of glass fiber. The curved shape of such profiles is intended to avoid points of net discontinuity between one layer and the other, a situation that could lead to incorrect flexion, concentrated tensions, with possible consequent collapse of the blade. The lamination of the different layers of glass fiber, meaning the process o laying the sheets of glass fiber one on the other in a specific shape together with resin, is realized with molds in vacuum inside an autoclave. The black coloring is obtained using colored resin, a solution that should partially help the resistance of the color to shocks and abrasion on the rocks.

Dimensions and weight

Ome particularity of the Seac Motus FibrexPro is certainly the length that, compared to competition, is definitely lower, and measured by AP equal to 59.5 cm centrally, in correspondence of the cuspid of the final profile of the blade, which has a swallow tail shape. In the lateral measurement, longer, AP has measured 62 cm. The width of the blade is incremental, with a value in front of the foot-pocket equal to 14 cm, and up to 20 cm at the end of the blade.

AP has also used a Palmer caliber to measure, indicatively as layers change progressively, the thickness of the blade in three points: in front of the foot-pocket, equal to 1.94 mm, at mid-length, equal to 1.12 mm and at the end of the blade, equal to 0.53 mm.

Still analyzing dimensions, the water-rails have a total height, considering upper and lower sides, of 1.1 cm, while the total length, measured from the end of the longerons, is measured equal to 28 cm.

The weight of the blades, including water-rails, is measured equal to 365 gr, identical for the two blades, and important aspect which confirms the precision of manufacturing of all the blades.

The angle between the foot-pocket and the blade is equal to 22°.


The flexion of the blade analyzed out of the water shows quite a high rigidity, and a reactivity indeed comparable with carbon fiber blades. The curve made during bending shows a curve which is more evident towards the tip of the blade.


The foot-pockets are made with two different density elastomers, meaning also different hardness. The light colored one, present on the longerons and the lower part until before the heel, is more rigid, while the second is softer and of a darker grey, covering the heel and the neck of the foot. Moreover, the thicknesses ate different in different areas, with the lower part of the heel and the belt on the neck of the foot made with a greater thickness. It is evident how Seac has strongly wanted to design a foot pocket able of giving high comfort, but at the same time able of transmitting as much force as possible from the foot to the blade. The rigid longerons permit to have greater control on the flexion of the blade, adjusting eventual wrong maneuvers of excessive that could lead to the damage of the blade.

Click here to download the technical data of Seac Motus FibrexPro fins.

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