The Epsealon Fusion Skin wetsuit is definitely extremely well refined and uses top-quality neoprene (open-cell smooth Jako). Let’s check all details.

Material and protections

As anticipated, the 2021 Epsealon Fusion Skin is made with Jako smooth open-cell neoprene, while previously it was made with Yamamoto. The choice of Jako has been made to have a stronger and longer-lasting solution, maybe losing some softness. Protections are large on the knees, made of PoweTex material (a special thick Nylon construction), but absent on the jacket, most probably to obtain the softest solution for the upper part of the wetsuit. 

Sternal protection is thickened with an additional 5 mm internal patch. Available thicknesses of the Epsealon Fusion Skin are 5 and 7mm. 

Epsealon Fusion Skin Red front and rear
Epsealon Fusion Skin knees protections in SupraTex

Finishings and cuts

Great details for the cuffs on ankles, wrists and face, that are made of a thinner 3mm neoprene patch with external Nylon and internal open-cell glide neoprene inside. The width is equal to 7 cm for the ankles, and 3 cm for the face contour. This determines a greater comfort in those areas still maintaining a good sealing effect. 

Edges of face contour, wrists, ankles and waist of pants have all forded neoprene which is smooth outside and lined inside, for best sealing effect and comfort, with a neat result. 

The lower part of the jacket of the Epsealon Fusion Skin internally is almost completely open cell, apart from the rear lower part which is reinforced with internal Nylon lining and external PowerTex material. The open cell internal surface neoprene adheres perfectly with the smooth external surface of the pants for a great sealing effect!

The beavertail is well made and reinforced with a thick elastic Nylon lining that goes all the way along the inferior border of the jacket. The closure is obtained with traditional double clips. 

The underarm area is made with a small rhomboidal neoprene part glued with the large chest and back foils, to adapt to the body of the spearo. 

The chin closure of the cap has only an external stitching, but none inside, for best confort in contact with the skin.

The high waist pants have the same height at the front and at the rear and measure 41 cm. 

Gluings in general appear of good quality, but do not have a secondary layer of glue on top. 

Special solutions

The really wide PowerTex knee protections are a relevant feature, maybe even too large. The details of thinner and more comfortable cuffs for face contour and ankles are an additional top feature.  

Plus and Minus


  • Fast-drying externally smooth neoprene
  • Not too delicate open-cell smooth Jako neoprene 
  • Great details of edges of pants and jacket


  • No elbows protections
  • Excessively large knee protections increase drying time

For the complete data chart of the Epsealon Fusion Skin wetsuit click Here