Since the beginning leader in the design and production of sling spearguns, with all its line named after Indian tribes, this year the Kiowa Custom has been added, a fully customizable sling gun which can be bought only in shops (no internet), as all Cressi products part of Ateliér line.
In brief
Which muzzle, shaft, bands, reel, are the best for you depending on your preferences and spearfishing techniques? Each one of us can setup his speargun from the start with the new Cressi Kiowa. In the “box”, the speargun with two muzzles one open and one closed, two different length gun butts and, that is it! All the rest, from shaft, to elastic bands, to the reel can be bought separately with the help of your trusted shop, as this is the only place where to buy the Kiowa.

Kiowa has a 28 mm diameter, 1 mm thick barrel, made of anticorodal aluminium, an alloy containing Manganese, Silicon and Magnesium, elements that help reduce oxydation of the material and maintain good mechanical strength. On the upper part of the barrel there is the open shaft guide made with two rails to reduce friction, which also gives additional vertical rigidity to the barrel. The inferior part of the barrel has a thickened part to additionally and definately strengthen the “tube” from flexion.

Grip and release mechanism

Kiowa is designed with a last generation handle and 100% stainless steel release mechanism, meaning the trigger, the internal mechanism and the release box.

Teflon inserts are positioned laterally to the release mechanism to reduce friction and noise. The line release lever is also in stainless steel, with automatic return and positioned laterally, to avoid any contact with sea floor (which would happen with lever positioned vertically below the trigger). The area of insertion of the shaft in the release mechanism has an additional removable steel part that is used to best adapt shafts of different diameters, and the part is removed for shafts from 8 mm diameter and above. Such component also permits to have the upper part of the insertion area of the release mechanism with a smoothed edge, avoiding, in such zone, cut of the line due to sharp edges.

The grip of the Kiowa is made with a white removable part to be visible on the sea bottom, and also the surface has cuts to reduce slip. Security system is regulated on and off with a small lever that is though feelable with the hand once speagun is held, so off position is advised. The lever is double, meaning it is present on both sides, so it is perceivable by right and left handed spearos; an excellent solution. Sternal support is available standard in two dimensions and heights. Nice and comfortable are the two lateral “wings” to position neatly the line and move it away from the line of sight.
The muzzles of the Kiowa are two. The first, closed, is of classic design, even though it has been updated by Cressi to improve even more the easiness in loading. Such muzzle is called QuickLoad. Quite compact in dimensions, the muzzle mounts two single parallel elastic bands, with screwing system both on the muzzle and on the wishbone side. The muzzle also has a hole that gives the opportunity to mount an additional circular elastic band. In the lower part of the muzzle the line guide is in stainless steel to improve strength and durability.

The second, open, is extremley evoluted, very compact, with numerous compact “wings” to position the line on both sides. Such passages are neat and well designed to avoid possible situations of the line loosing its position.

The solution with magnet integrated in a water sealed chamber (Magnetic Spear Lock) permits to keep the shaft in position, helping especially the loading phase.

The profile of the open muzzle is made to direct in the best way the circular bands, so that they do not rub one on the other and keep an as parallel to the shaft as possible position for best shot efficiency.

Settings and versions
Kiowa is available in the nominal lengths of 60, 75, 90 and 100, with double muzzle and double gun butt, while all the other accessories are to be chosen separately, such as the choice of the Reel, 30 or 50.

For the complete technical chart of the Cressi Kiowa click here.
Expert spearo and shop owner Fabio Massimo Aleandri describes the Cressi Kiowa and gives hints for setup. Select English language and watch the 3 videos below: technical characteristics, standard and powered setups, reels choice.