The C4 Storm fins for spearfishing and freediving are probably the most all round fins by the Italian company. The low price, reduces length, ease of use and adequate design for spearfishing, freediving and high level snorkeling, make them an offer for many. One piece and medium length, the C4 Storm spearfishing and freediving fins have a specific design to obtain and amazingly affordable and performing solution.
Blade to foot pocket connection
The connection between the foot pocket and the blade of the C4 Storm fins is obtained by physical chemical process. The blade is in fact produced by moulding. After that, the blade is partially inserted in a second mould where the foot pocket is produced. In such a way, the foot pocket is directly printed on the blade, so the two parts are connected by a thermal and chemical reaction. The 2.5 mm thick part of the blade melts superficially and merges with the foot pocket. This solution is actually the best possible link between blade and foot pocket, as it determines a fin which is one single piece. Of course, the non “mechanical” connection does not permit to dismantle the fins. They will not give the possibility to change the blade to a carbon solution, or to compact them for traveling.

The C4 Storm medium lengths blades
With the C4 Storm fins the choice was to design shorter blades than the ones of traditional spearfishing and freediving fins. The total length of the blade starting from the tip of the foot pocket is 46 cm centrally and 49.5 cm laterally (AP measures). This difference comes from the whale’s tail profile of the flap. Such length is sensibly smaller than, for example, the C4 Umberto Pelizzari fins, the winners of the Best Choice by Apneapassion 2023. The latter have a length of 59 cm at the center and 62.5 cm laterally (AP measures).

The blade of the C4 Storm have a nice glossy surface obtained thanks to the smooth surface of the mould. Vice versa, the logos C4 and Storm with a lightning like design are obtained thanks to a rough surface of the mould machined with a laser.
On each side, both on the upper and on the inferior surfaces of the blade, two nerves run along the entire length. They have the function of giving more structure and reactivity to the blade without having to increase its thickness and weight.
The water rails are one piece with the blade. They are short, 9.5 cm (AP measured) and positioned in the most efficient position, the tip.

The shorter the blade, the stiffer it feels during finning. For such reason, C4 has worked hard to find a performing material which on shorter blades would feel softer, still giving good elastic return. The final choice has been a TPO, a type of polypropylene enriched with thermorubber. This material has additional softness united with good elastic return. Using the same material of the blades of the C4 Umberto Pelizzari would have determined a too stiff blade. Vice versa, the TPO on long blades would be far too soft.
C4 250 foot pockets
If on one hand the foot pockets of the C4 Storm fins are the C4 250, on the other their differ from the same model used, for example, on the C4 Umberto Pelizzari fins. In fact, the latter have a rigid sole integrated in the foot pocket. The foot pockets on the C4 Storm, instead, have a very clever idea where the blade penetrates them up to 3/4 of the total length of the foot pocket. In such way, it is the blade itself to act also as a rigid sole, with a very cost efficient solution.

Easily recycable
The base compound of the material of the blade and the foot pocket of the C4 Storm fins is the same. Such solution permits to recycle the fins in one block, without having to separate every single element of different materials.
The use of the C4 Storm fins
The market had already an offer of short or medium length technopolymer spearfishing and freediving fins. Still, they were and are pretty simple solutions if you consider single piece models of a price between 50 and 70 euros. The C4 Storm fins today represent instead a very affordable offer, but with great performance and the modern trend angle of 29°. The latter, as we know, permits a more confortable position of the ankle and a more relaxed finning.
For only 55€ a spearo can buy the C4 Storm. They are thought for beginners, but still offer high level performance. The possibility to use them easily, with good manoeuvrability thanks to the shorter blade, makes them perfect for beginners, but also for experienced spearfishermen. In fact, in shallow water, but also down to 15 /20 meters, the C4 Storm offer high performance. During the colder period, when shallow water spearfishing is mostly practiced, the C4 Storm are evidently a good choice for many.
The C4 Storm fins as definitely also a great affordable choice for freedivers, be them indoor or outdoor. In the pool, Dyn apnea can be well practiced with these fins, which also help beginners to improve more easily their finning technique. After that, a move to longer blade fins is possible. In outdoor freediving at sea, the C4 Storm are easy and confortable to use, of course they are not intended for very deep dives beyond 20 meters.
We don’t often consider snorkeling. Still, the C4 Storm fins, at 55€ are indeed a very affordable offer, which can be a high level solution for snorkeling with good thrust, efficiency and comfort.