The new C4 Dyno freediving neck weight is an additional effort by C4 Carbon in the freediving world. It has hit the market hard. With its suggested retail price of 170€ it is an amazing offer for an adjustable solution. This neck weight harness gives the opportunity to regulate the ballast from 2.5 Kg to 4.0Kg.

C4 Dyno freediving neck weight red and black

C4 Dyno materials and design


The new C4 Dyno freediving neck weight features a lead core overmoulded with a soft thermorubber material. The latter is available in black and red colour. The molding of the thermorubber creates a perfectly uniform coating, improving resistance to ware and grip. This helps keeping the C4 Dyno in place, limiting unwanted movement. Also, no abrasion at all will be generated on the wetsuit.

C4 Dyno freediving neck weight red and black


The C4 Dyno freediving harness consists of a main curved body of 2.5 Kgs. This fits around the neck of the diver. For the best adaptation, stable fit and comfort, this “collar” is bendable, so it widens or tightens. Such process must be done with care and should not be exceeded.

C4 Dyno freediving neck weight tight and loose

To adjust and vary the total weight of the C4 Dyno, it is possible to attach in series of elements. The pack of the C4 Dyno harness comes with 4 additional elements of 520, 390, 290 and 230 grams. These connect to the main “collar” utilizing stainless steel inserts with lateral screws. These tighten and unscrew easily utilizing a flat screwdriver.

C4 Dyno
C4 Dyno freediving neck weight connection details

The normal order of connection of the weight elements from the heaviest to the lightest generate a nice tail. The latter will rest on the freediver back along the spinal column. The segments attach eventually eliminating some intermediate ones and obtain the best fine tuning of the total ballast. The total weight can reach 4.0 Kgs. This considers also the weight of the 4 steel inserts, equal to 70 grams.

C4 Dyno additional weight kit

C4 Dyno

The C4 Dyno neck weight freediving harness is perfect for training and competitions. It also offers an additional weight kit made of 4 elements of 290 grams, plus the steel inserts. This would bring the final weight of the C4 Dyno freediving neck weight to 5.2 Kgs.