We have presented one by one the best weight harnesses on the market. Here is the possibility to select each brand and read through all the details to choose the one we prefer!
Beuchat Quick Release harness: the most complete and intelligent with the fastest quick release –> best internet price
Cressi Back Pack harness: the most compact with 6 kilos and complete adjustment
Epsealon Demonskin, Tactical Stealth and Easy Fit harnesses: very complete with amazing graphics and the fastest quick release –> best internet price
Omer Sporasub Quick Release harness: the fastest quick release and great orange spot solution –> best internet price
Picasso Weight Vest – Pro harnesses: perfect fit, hosts weights of many designs and has an interesting choice of neoprene –> best internet price
Salvimar Drop and Krypsis harnesses: the best weights design –> best internet price
Spetton Lastre Rock Holle harnesses: the best adherence to the body with a unique release –> best internet price