After having presented the novelties in neoprene by Sporasub, let us go and see a number of new accessories by Sporasub.
Asta America by MP
Let us start with the new shaft America by Marco Pisello, designed with an intelligent spiral that keeps the wing down, and that eliminates the need to use O-rings. These, we know, are quite uncomfortable, since afetr the shot they move along the line and have to be repositioned each time. Moreover, on the shafts with fins, one also looses time to lift the O-ring over each fin. With the spiral all of this is not necessary, as the latter stops on the first fin, and does not move along the line. Moreover, the O-rings often break, for example at the beginning of our fishing session, meaning we will have no O-ring or the need to find a second O-ring. To avoid such situation, some spearos mount more orings on the shaft.
The wing is made with a small fin on top, with the aim to assure that the shaft will not slip out of the prey. This solution is necessary, as the top of the wing is not curved as in traditional solutions, as it has to accomodate the spring.
It seems to be a great idea, that surely we will need to test, in particular to understand if the spiral works properly when we release the shot, and does not remain stuck in the wing, especially when the shaft is not perfectly new anymore. For the moment we trust tests dobe by the expert Sporasub team.
America Shaft is available in diamters of 6.5 and 7 mm, and has 4 fins that help loading the longer arbalete.
Greenshot rubber bands
Always in the accessories for arbalete, Sporasub has presented an elastic band which is particularly “thoughtful”, with three different layers of rubber. Externally the green rubber is mimetic and protects from sunrays, while the main one, amber colour, gives the elasticity carachteristics to the Greenshot.
The internal black layer is cut-resistant, which protects from internal breakages generated by the mounting of the wishbone. We know, in fact, that the internal layer is the one that work more and is mainly stressed during elongation. This is the reason why often we find bands breaking suddenly, without any external indication of wear.
The Greenshot is available in diamter of 14, 16 and 18 mm.
Icebox is a likeable solution, made of polyestere, to carry fish. Once folded it occupies little space. The insulation, Sporasub says, is extremely high, while, even though not intended to be completely watertight, water does not really exit the box. We shall see!
Black Shark knife
Not particularly innovative, but a nice product, is the new Black Shark knife, available with two blades: “Drop point”, asymmetrical blade, and “Draga”, symmetrical blade. The blades are in a single piece with the handle and made of AISI 420 B stainless steel, which permits a very sharp blade. The knife is complete with a line cutter and a hole to unstuck shafts.
The positioning of the knife in the case seems to be sufficiently functional, as it blcks the knife even though this is not completely positioned down the case. In fact, those systems that work only with buttons or levers that block the knife, are not really secure, and often determine the loss of the knife in the water when turning downards to dive. Handle is comouflaged, more an estetic treatment than a functional one.
Blue Water buoy
Last product of the new 2016 accessories by Sporasub is the Blue Water buoy. This is thought for blu water fishing, for big preys. It is a very resistant product and is also available in the mini version, that we, as AP, do not like much, as buoys need to be big and very visible, for safety reasons.
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